Dustin Stanton

“The county’s dollars are owned by the people, and should be used for the people.”

Vote for Dustin November 5, 2024

Dustin’s Agenda

My top priorities are as follows:

1) Public Safety: Our sheriff’s department needs more financial help to keep our community safe.

MY PLAN: Our county portfolio of investments are drastically underperforming! Our total county portfolio sits at $192 million, while we only received $2.5 million in investment income for 2023. That’s a yield of only 1.3%! While adhering to the constitutional statute of investing in safe, liquid investments, I could easily triple our current rate of return by investing in bonds and CD’s which are hovering around 4%. That would provide an additional investment income of $5 million to the general revenue, of which I would advocate that $3 or even $4 million of that to go to our county sheriff’s department to get more law enforcement protecting our community.

2) Improving Mental Health Resources for the Children in Our Community: We are seeing staggering rates of increased depression, drug usage, and mental struggles among youth in Boone County.

MY PLAN: We already have an established quarter of 1% sales tax rate that goes to Children’s Services Fund 216 of county appropriations. The sales tax generates roughly $8 to $9 million annually for that fund. I would strongly advocate that we grow our private/public partnership with community partners such as Compass Health Network and Burrell Behavioral Health. In that stronger partnership we strategically provide them with $750,000 or $1 million/annually aimed at providing more mental health resources for the youth in our community. As things stand today, if a young person found themself in a mental health crisis and needed help immediately, they very likely might find themselves going to St. Louis to get those resources. That doesn’t sit right with me, and we need to do better long term for the children of this community.

3) Increasing the Efficiency of Our 911 Dispatch Staff: Currently we struggle greatly to recruit and to retain dispatchers at our 911 Emergency Management Center.

MY PLAN: We need to take a step back and realize what we’re doing is not working, and it’s costing lives. If you have an actual emergency and call the Boone County 911 Emergency Management Center, there are many times it can take several minutes to get a dispatcher on the line because they’re overworked and understaffed. The facility was designed to house 24 dispatchers, but due to the stress of the job and low minimum wage pay, many quickly leave the job. I would strongly see where we need to give these dispatch heroes a $4/hour pay bump. If we can increase our average to around 21 dispatchers, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, this would only increase our 911 expense to around $735,000/annually. Currently our 911 Tax Fund 270 is sitting on $36 million and growing! One important caveat is that the county pay scale run on a Job Ledger, which puts our dispatchers on a low rung of the ledger, and thus a low pay ceiling. We would need to recognize this, and through a Commission Order increase their placing on the ledger to thus increase their ceiling. This won’t fix everything but will definitely be a huge step in the right direction.

4) Advocating For Additional Funds: This is NOT a job requirement, but if elected, I would proudly go to Jeff City to advocate for funding for broadband expansion, Mizzou and secondary education or whatever else may be a priority for you! Our county needs a voice in Jeff defending us. I would be that leader, and I would be that voice.

5) Increased Transparency & Oversight: I don’t understand why it’s so difficult to figure out where our county finances are sitting at. If you go online, you have to really dig, send emails, and make calls to get questions answered. It seems like a simple fix, but as Treasurer, I would post monthly financial reports online of where county finances are sitting at, so everyone has an equal opportunity of knowing what’s going on.

NOTICE: None of my plans include increasing the tax rate! I can achieve all of these goals by simply doing better with what we already have! It just takes someone with vision!

Dustin’s Background

I was appointed by the Governor and served as the Boone County Treasurer in 2022. I graduated from the University of Missouri with coursework having emphasis in Advanced Accounting, Monetary Policy, and Money and Banking. My family has lived on our family farm in Centralia since 1845. At the age of six, I began my own entrepreneurial business, “Stanton Brothers Eggs”, with six chickens. By the time I was sixteen, the USDA designated that I was operating and co-owning the nation’s largest independent free-range egg operation. My enterprise continues to this day by supplying outlets throughout the mid-Missouri region. I have accumulated a wealth of knowledge about budgeting, fund investing, and monetary policy from both running my own business for two and a half decades and from my bachelor’s degree, which allows me to provide wisdom and stability to the office.

Dustin’s Experience

I strive to be a servant leader and am someone who absolutely loves Boone County with every fiber of my heart. This is my home.

I have been bestowed with honors and served in roles such as:

2021-24 President of the Columbia Farmers Market
2022-24 President & Liaison of the Boone County Extension Council
2021-22 Columbia Chamber of Commerce Co-Chairman of the Ag & Bioscience Committee
2015-20 Board Member of the Columbia Farmers Market
2015-17 President of the Boone County Farm Bureau
2017 Business Tour hosting Mark Zuckerberg & Staff
2015 University of Missouri President’s Award for the Student Entrepreneur of the Year
2014 National FFA American Star in Agribusiness
2011 USDA’s National Risk Management Agency Award Winner
2010 Boone Electric Youth Tour Delegate

Boone County has provided me with my education, my business, and my friendships. As the Boone County Treasurer, I will work for you every single day to make our vision a reality. It is my promise that I will make Boone County better for the next generation, so they may have these same experiences and more.
— Dustin Stanton